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if you choose to post an Avatar (a small picture that will appear above your Display Name in all your posts) it must be a recognizable picture of YOU otherwise it will remain the default OGR logo.

We have this rule so that members can put a face with a name and perhaps enjoy meeting fellow forum members at train shows and other events. The image should be 300 pixels square.

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This is the name that visitors will see when you post.
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This field is PRIVATE and viewable only by forum administrators, not the public. We use it to send you a "Happy Birthday" greeting on your birthday!

Profile Picture/Avatar Optional

Avatars should be at least 300px wide by 300px tall.
An Avatar should be a picture of YOU. Avatars that don't meet this spec will be deleted.

Other Profile Information

This email address is viewable by other members. It is the email they can use to contact you. If you are going to sell items on the "Buy-Sell Forum" this address is needed.
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This field is PRIVATE and viewable only by forum administrators, not the public.
This field is PRIVATE and viewable only by forum administrators, not the public.
This field is PRIVATE and viewable only by forum administrators, not the public.
This field is PRIVATE and viewable only by forum administrators, not the public.
This field is PRIVATE and viewable only by forum administrators, not the public.
If you have a personal web site, put the URL here.
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This field is optional. It is viewable by everyone.
This field is optional. It is viewable by everyone.
This field is private and vewable only by forum administrators.
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