@RSJB18 when you say, "Modify the yard lead into a wye to turn trains." can you clarify or add an image? We're trying to figure out what that would look like / how it would work to turn trains. We're also now looking at - can we use a Y and a single reverse loop, or two Ys.
@Ken Wing thank you for the challenge and recommendations on how to test the plans. It looks to me like we can wrap the passing sidings along the walls, so we're going to look at that. It is interesting to me that you mention pushing the cars around the track. They love playing "push trains" and we have several old engines from the $5 and free bins at trains shows that we gutted and they use as push trains. For as much as people like legacy and vision line, cruise control and all the literal bells and whistles... kids are happy to make noise with their mouth, dialogue their own towercom, and manually push trains. You don't have to spend a lot to thoroughly enjoy trains.