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Reply to "My 1st attempt at a MTA garbage flat car. ๐Ÿš‡"

Very nice modeling, Chris.  And I tip my hat to you for thinking to model such a train.

Since I live out on the prairie, I'm not even slightly familiar with the trash pickup operation in the New York subways.  Does this train get pulled by a dinky diesel locomotive?  Or is it a little electric locomotive?  Is this strictly a nighttime operation?  Do workers, by schedule, collect garbage at a certain hour for that station, and stage it at the edge of the platform for collection by this train soon thereafter?  Does the train have a regular schedule of its own, so that it fits between regular subway trains without delaying them?

Please pardon my ignorance.  This is very interesting to me.

And -- saving the big question for last -- does our own Ben (blueline4) ever run this train?  Maybe he'll tell us.

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