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2017 Railking ES44AC has a buzzing noise

It would take too long to explain what probably started this, so go with the knowledge that it just started today, 1/18/19.  I've had it since early last year and have run it many times on my new layout since I finally got my train room done.  So this isn't something that has been going on for awhile, it started today.

When I shutdown the engine, normally you hear the engine sounds make their shutdown sounds, and then when they subside to silent, the entire engine is silent.  But today, I shut it down and right after the engine sounds went silent, I heard a very audible buzzing sound for about a half second and it went silent.  Curious, I restarted the engine and for a brief second I heard the buzz, then the engine sounds took over and drowned it out.

I turned off the engine sounds and there it was, buzzing away at various volumes continuously.  Meaning, the buzzing was going on the entire time I just couldn't hear it due to the engine sounds.  So whatever I did, and I did something, hence the "it would take too long to explain" part, it has caused something to either jar loose, overheat, or an electric motor has gotten tilted slightly and no longer spins quietly.

Anyone have an idea what it may be before I take this to a repair shop for no reason.


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