@WBC posted:Doing a simple Google search turned up Pennsylvania E8 prototype photos that match Lionel's version. There were also prototype photos where the color was darker. Looks like batch to batch variations in paint production which was common back then. The OP may not like the color but it appears Lionel got this one correct.
The internet is not a great source for color matching as photographs vary based on type of camera, sensor type or film, color balance, time of day, and any color balance on monitors. Also, restoration paint is not generally considered to be too accurate in most cases because color formulas have changed so much over the years.
Having said that Tuscan Red is not a uniform color. It drift over the years. Most models are a little too brown, The Lionel ones appear too red. Similar to the color on my Lionel N5c. The PRR Freight Car Brown is almost pink in hue. I'll have to repaint what was otherwise an excellent model of the prototype.
Not knowing what Lionel's internal process is, I can't speak to that. However, when I have done special projects with them through TCA they used the Pantone color system. Not sure what the closest to Tuscan Red is in that system.
It is interesting because they have come the closest to getting Amtrak colors correct on their 21" cars per the Amtrak official color guide. Go figure.
If the units are not visually pleasing to the OP I'd consider returning them. It's not like they won't come out again down the road.