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Reply to "2020 PRR E8 color questions? Wrong Color?"

Premise #1: They are toys.

Premise #2: They are expensive toys.

Premise #3: Even the buyers of toys, and expensive ones, deserve accuracy.

Premise #4: It takes just as much effort to get it wrong as it does to get it right. We can forgive (and probably not even perceive) paint that is a few ångströms off, but those examples in this thread are horrendous mistakes.

Premise #5: In this electronic age, I am sure that there must be systems that can scan, digitize, assign codes, and reproduce any color in creation. I can take a paint chip or a piece of wallpaper to my local hardware guys, who are not rocket surgeons, and I can get paint that is absolutely spot on.  They have a scanner and mixer that does this accurately every time.  Lionel has more money than I do, so I would expect that they can do it, and better, too.

I wish I could give you 10,000 "likes" for this post.  This is absolutely spot on, especially #4.  I'm had a very successful career adhering to just this premise. 

