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Reply to "3 Rail Scale Forum"

I find this an interesting topic.  I have no problems with the sponsors, but I do have a hard time with the 3 rail scale definition requiring the scale couplers.  Projects I have worked in the past (such as craftsman caboose kits) that I am requesting help/advice on in making close to the prototypes, the expertise is in 3 rail scale group, but because I still use the larger couplers, posting there is frowned upon.

Maybe I am alone, but I don’t feel like my modeling style or  train preferences on my hi-rail layout fit into the traditional toy train forum.  I am  a much closer fit to the 3 rail scale, minus the scale couplers and fixed pilots.   I am having trouble suggesting revised guidelines, but it seems to me that scale engines (or near scale) operating in a hi-rail environment is in the general area.

Last edited by Hump Yard Mike