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Reply to "3 way, 4 way, and yard Switch direction identification by color question"

Thank You Mike.  I appreciate the explanation.  I didn't realize they didn't exist in the real world.  We are space limited , aren't we.  I'm starting to build a control panel with toggle switches and LED's to indicate switch position out on the layout (including the yards) and realized how do i show positions on these 3 & 4 ways that i can see at a glance.  I like your idea of using dwarf signals to show switch position, but on all our yards, the dwarfs would be facing away from us.   3  red/green bi-color LEd's (1 on each track on the control panel for a 3 way switch ) would work, but i've read here on the forum that bi-color LED's aren't compatible with DZ1000 switch controllers.  Wonder if they're compatible with the dz2500's.

Thanks Mike

