FOR TODAY: Don and Juan have a business meeting down by the tracks. They arrive at 11:25 for their 11:30 meeting.
They wait patiently for 30 minutes. Don mutters " Where in da heck is Izzy? You told him 11:30 right Juan?" Jaun answers nervously while simultaneously shaking his head in the affirmative with a quizzical look on his face. " Well uh yeah uh uh Don I either did or I didn't." Don's face turns three shades of red ... " I know either you did or you didn't Juan! I asked you if you did!" Juan answers with nose and eyes scrunched up .." I may have told him P.M.? ). " Well it's now noon and me thinks you did tell him PM cause he ain't here! Do you see him here? Because I don't see him here!!" Don yells as he throws both hands in the air while spinning around on his heels. Juan looking rather consiliatory rests his hands on Don's right shoulder " Come on Donnie, let me buy you lunch. We can head over to the Lunch Bunch Diner and lunch is on me." Don, in a much more agreeable tone nods " Well, alright Juan but before you stick a utensil in that mug of yours, you're going to put a dime in that pay phone and confirm the meeting with Izzy. Right?" "Absolutely Don" Izzy replies while fumbling for the car keys which are in his pocket. " And one more thing Juan. I want two scoops of ice cream for desert" Don says with a wink and a smile.