First...Charlie: Sponsors can post and sell anywhere except within the For Sale/Trade forum. This is part of what they are able to do as advertisers/sponsors. If members have something for sale, it is supposed to be put in the For Sale/Trade forum so if it gets put elsewhere and we are made aware of it, it will be moved.
Yes I know that. I know that's what the Advertiser want to do. I don't care, but it would be nice to scan a central location. It's easy to miss posts if other threads have a high reply rate. I scan the rt column for the most recent posts. And during busy times, lots of different thread activity, resent posts will fall off the page. If for example Patrick's Trains has an item on sale, and I do not see the post, I'm not likely to buy it from him. That mean he lost a sale. You might re read my original post. I don't care where they post. I don't want to post a for sale item in the 3 Rail section. I just agree that a seperate forum would make it easier for me to Spend My Money with advertisers. But again let them post the same thread in that forum and 3 Rail or where ever else they like. I believe that extra effort on their part would generate more sales for OGR advertisers. The banners are great for easy access, when I know I want to look for an item at say Scenic Express, but it would be easy to miss that new item, or sale.