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A suggestion for Forum Sponsors to add Sale beginning and End dates.

Just a quick suggestion when advertising a sale, please put a date in either the title or in the thread body for any sale.

I've seen more than a few times an ad posted that says "Today is the last day to pre-order out of the MartyE Trains catalog!" or "Saint MartyE Sale Ends Today" and that is the only time frames posted.  May I suggest these edit, "Today 2/30/2024 is the last day to pre-order out of the MartyE Trains catalog!" or "Saint MartyE Sale Ends Today 6/31/2024".  Yes I know these are fictional dates but it is used as an example. With threads getting bumped, Today may be Tomorrow or even a week from now and some extreme cases a year.  Actually this could apply to anything with a fixed time frame.

Just a suggestion and yes I made myself a Saint.  Canonized by the 1/48 scale pope on my layout.

Last edited by MartyE
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