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Affording building a layout & Building a Train Collection at the same time

The fact for me has been I could not afford and still cannot afford to do both at the same time, yet I have and now have corresponding serious debt. The caveat for building a layout is building the grand layout of your dreams, and one that involves track/switches, wiring, etc. and of course nice structures and scenery. A small to medium layout that involves plywood on sawhorses is a different animal.

My current layout is the 2nd grand layout I've undertaken in my life. I started in 2012, and my project manager estimated TOC by 2021. I've got another 3 years easily. Factor in age and less than good health, and having to work full time to buy down debt. Just kidding, I need to work until at least age 62 to make ss and pensions "work."

FWIW: while I get great satisfaction in doing layout work, such as the creative aspect, building a scene, making something fit, etc., if I had the resources, I would've paid professionals to do it. Those guys in the TM videos who've gone that route may be very smart, but of course having enough money to accomplish your "dream" could be very costly.

I'd like to hear your experience.

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