Good morning, Paul, everyone here is right on track you might say. I am working on my second layout and most of the folks that have chimed in here have given me so much help over the years and have sold me items with a very patience frame of mind.
I was late to the Model RR game and have been trying to play catch up and thanks to everyone here I am getting better at what I do. I have only bought 1 new rolling stock and that was an engine from MTH a PS3, everything else is second hand either from here or train shows.
95% of my lumber is used and all the 2x4's came out of a dumpster that a company is using while they remodel a coinvent store down the road, so far, all the plywood is used from old shelves that were left being by the previous owner, with this being my second layout when I took up the track from my old layout I cleaned each piece and saved all the ballast, washed it and dried it, then put it all in a 5 gallon bucket for this build cause that is how cheap I am!
To be honest it is a challenge to build a layout on just a SS check once a month, but the CEO is good with funds. It takes me a little while to save up for what I want and the forum members I have bought from have understood and are very generous with their time giving me time to save for what they are selling!
My train room, the only thing new in here is the 1x4 pine for the bench work and the sheet of 3/4" plywood for the new to me used Millhouse River TT.
I wish you the best of luck on your future build!