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Reply to "Affording building a layout & Building a Train Collection at the same time"

Excellent topic for discussion, Paul!  I came to O gauge from smaller scales in 2012, the year I joined the forum.  I had sold nearly all my HO and N scale and used the money to help pay our daughters' tuition, so I had nothing to contribute to starting in the new scale.  I was laid off again in 2015 and haven't been able to work since late 2018, so I am in a similar situation as Mike. 

Most of my engines and rolling stock were bought used.  Some of you contributed to the cause.  I wish I could say I am as disciplined as I could be in buying engines and cars, but all in all, I do pretty well.  I made some 'mistakes' early on and some of you have given my 'mistakes' new homes.  I do have 3 diesels I bought new before prices started going up.  The steamers were all used.  Now, if I buy something, I try to sell something.  I don't have room for displaying a collection anyway.

Most of you are familiar with my layout crammed in an 11x11 room.  Track and switches cost a good bit, as most were new.  However, I am not going to glue down ballast and may not even put on any loose ballast in case I find myself in Mike's position someday.  I have also been kidded for using a menagerie of wood.  The used wood supply has run out, but served quite well. 
