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Reply to "Affording building a layout & Building a Train Collection at the same time"

Not that I didn’t buy trains. My main focus was building a layout. About 22x48 in size. My layout is not all that interesting as far as complicated trackage or multi levels. I wanted a high scenery to track ratio. I’d go to shows and never came home with a train. Just scenery items or building kits. I started around 1990. Which worked out very well. I liked steam and they were a bit cheaper in those days. But still expensive so I didn’t buy much.  They also had no features. When I finally invested in command control around the year 2000. I wasn’t saddled with a lot of engines that needed upgrading. I sold a few off and converted a few keepers at the time. I knew a few modelers that invested heavily in MTH Proto 1’s. Acquiring every thing to build the dream layout. Then along came DCS and TMCC and they had an already obsolete fleet that had never seen the rails yet.
My main focus was the NYC, B&A and a few NH pieces. Nothing else. I’ve since started modeling the Rutland. I never bought much engine wise or rolling stock till the layout was pretty much complete. I’ve always pretty much focused on one road. Never really did both at the same time. I’m at a point now of finally doing both. But I don’t buy much. I’ll change up a small area scenery wise or add a particular car that fit’s my present scheme. I just don’t know how you do both today at the same time with not just the price of trains. But the costs of building a dream layout. Especially if you desire a highly detailed one.
