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OK, 'Oh Gawd' and/or snorting in disbelief time, but I have a vision of 3D home-printing filling the gap left when all the metal models disappear.  They'll disappear as the number of youngsters with metal-working skills shrinks, the number of companies producing intricate metal stuff shrinks and their products get more expensive.

While I'm fantasizing, lets dream about 3D printing (no, I haven't tried it yet).  It's already possible to create 3D models from drawings and/or with multiple scans (yes, copyright issues and expensive kit at the moment - hmmm, scanning businesses?).  3D software can be free and like all acquired skills just needs determination ... alright, an achievable target and some spare time.  3D printers have dropped amazingly in price already and can go in the spare bedroom. 

Maybe we'll have parts libraries available, some free, some chargeable, like internet music ... hey, I can put my 3D printer where that CD collection is.  No kids, I'll still keep some of those old LPs with the great covers.  OK, OK, I'll make sure the parts I'm upsizing from HO are slimmer where possible.

And then JM comes along and says 'keep up'.  Terrific!

No, I haven't even thought about metal-bearing resin.  Nearly all my stuff will be painted anyway, can I solder those difficult, leftover PSC parts to my basic printed piece.  How much is it with granulated nickel-silver resin?  OK, back to the internet.  Oh no, I've stumbled across the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS).  They've found over 100 planets deemed to be worth investigating out there.  Maybe my Grandsons will need a great hobby when they have to do stuff like that for a day job.

