In my previous post I stated I had yet to find a protype photo of the AMW model I'm building. I just came across this site which has several photos: Pennsylvania Railroad Switch Tower at Radnor – Radnor Historical Society | Archive.
I'd say the AMW kit is a very accurate representation of the prototype! Note the tower site has an outhouse located next to it - exactly what I planned for my scene since I didn't imagine this period structure to have indoor facilities. Note that the stock model decking and support atop the first story are a good match for the prototype. My version with the visible joist structure supporting the decking is not in keeping with the prototype photos, but I like the added detail in any case. Also, I see no evidence of a stove pipe or chimney on the prototype, and none is included in the AMW kit. I plan to outfit my model with a coal fired potbelly stove and corresponding smoke jack - winters in upstate NY can get mighty cold and the tower operator would certainly appreciate a source for heat. I also will eliminate the signal mast and semaphore as that wouldn't be required in the timeframe I'm modelling.