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Reply to "American Flyer Legacy Berk production photos"


Rusty: You and your Y3.  My Y3 has problems with it's smoke unit and screws keep falling out.  You might even like the Berk better when yours gets there.

Geeze, Bill.  You make it sound like a crime that I think the Y3 is the bee's knees....  Sorry if you had problems with your Y3, mine has had no problems.

The Y3 has two major things going for it that make it a cut above: The kinematic drawbar that keeps the tender nice and close and proper graphite paint instead of the gray Lionel is currently using.  And just for grins, make it three things...  I'll also throw in blackened handrails.

I have no doubt I'll enjoy my Berk when it comes in.  I'll probably deal with the gray paint and handrails after I get settled in my new digs.

Headlights: I looked up the real engine for the 759 American Railroads engine and there were 3. So Lionel got it kind of right with 2.


Three headlights????  While the 759 (and 765) have a pair of sealed beam lamps in the Pyle headlight casing, it's still considered one headlight.

The other light is not a headlight but a Mars light, a signal/safety light that operates in a figure-eight pattern, operates independently of the headlight and was not always illuminated.



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Last edited by Rusty Traque