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Reply to "American Models Pacific-type steam loco driving wheels"

Originally Posted by Rusty Traque:
The couplers sorta disappear, don't they?  When I showed a video of this show to one of my HO friends, he didn't even notice the couplers until I mentioned these were HiRail.
As far as flangeless drivers go, no it doesn't bother me.  It's one of the compromises that model railroaders sometimes have to live with.  Even the scale wheel version of the old SHS 2-8-0 has blind drivers on the #2 and #3 axles.


Your comment about model railroaders having to "live with" certain compromises resonates with me, Rusty.  As a former Lionel O train guy, I overlooked- -for decades- -oversized couplers; excessive-depth and blind wheel flanges; embarrassingly unrealistic, toy-like 3-rail tubular track; foreshortened locomotives and rolling stock; yada, yada, yada.  Thirteen years ago I could no longer do that; I began the slow process of selling my extensive collection (most of it is now gone).


About three years ago I became intrigued by the huge selection of realistic HO trains available, and slowly began collecting this stuff (no layout per se, however).  Unfortunately, HO is a big pain in the butt- -too small, light, and delicate; very finicky; and extremely difficult for a "senior" like me to work with.  That said, the S hi-rail features that I had found unacceptable are no longer a problem.


One more question.  What are the pros and cons of AC hi-rail and DC hi-rail?

