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Reply to "Any reported, or known problems with LC/LC+?"

Originally Posted by dsollars1800:

Back to O after ... 40 years?  Wife wanted a little train to go around the Christmas tree for the LC RTR 0-8-0Pennsylvania Flyer.  Now have a 5x9 table in basement! double loop, tunnels, bridges.  Winter just seemed to fly by.  Good to have hobby!


Ordered the Lc+ Santa Fe diesel GP7 online.  Arriving two Friday's ago.  Within five minutes it wouldn't budge.   Turns out one of the screws holding cab fell out, and then jammed in gears.  Backed it out, ran some, then found another small screw on track.  Then had contact or shorting problems.  Apparently Lionel QC had a bad day?  Decided it was Lionels's problem, not mine, and sent back to retailer.  Would have exchanged but they sold the last one they had that same weekend.


So, legend and has it there is a ATSF Mikado or two or three buried in the Kansas river from a flood back in the 1950s.  I drive near the spot every day.  Ordered the LC+ version and it arrived yesterday.   So far, so good after just a couple of hours of running, except one of the little plastic windows fell out when I unboxed  the sucker and I need to glue it back in.


The 0-8-0 LC has run like a champ for me and my grandson.  Pulls everything I own.   Even took to flight one day from the table, hit the wall, and then carpet.  Survived and ran fine.   Finally got around to cleaning the wheels the other night...filthy, filthy.  Guess you should make sure the track weathering paint and plaster and the glue is all cleaned up before you run it!  


I have a DCC n-Scale setup, and like all the neat features.  But the simplicity of the LC or LC+ remote, ease of wiring, and the ability of my almost 3 year old sidekick to run it, seems to hit a sweet spot for me.  LC+ is obviously more sophisticated, heavier and better at slow speeds.  In either case the RC operation has been flawless.


i find the problem now is that I am looking at adding either Gp7 SF or UP and demand seems to be outpacing supply as most prices are close to MSRP.


So, I think about legacy, dcs, ... and the LC system seems to be what I need right now.  When I see that Lee Willis thinks highly of the LC system I can only think I am in good company.  Heck, my fairly recent Z-1000 controller seems to be stuck on full power anyway, so 18 volts all the time works just fine.


Wife cringes every time I visit the local hobby shop or the UPS truck pulls up.  But it is all for my grandson, don't you know.  


(BTW, been reading the forum since Christmas, but this is my first post.  Thanks to all of you for inspiration and ideas.) 


Glad to have you on board!  Very interesting comment on the flooded locomotives!  Please join in more, seems you have a lot to contribute!
