Good points made above.
I really like the solid rails of this Atlas track; what I don't like so much are the plastic ties. Also, I kind of feel like a traitor going with Chinese made track as I've always used US made Ross and Gargraves - and I love the wooden ties and spikes that Ross have. I figured most of our trains are now made in China...but I still feel funny - that's my age and generation talking. Atlas is roughly around twice the price of Ross, though I suppose we're getting more metal due to solid rails, and I've heard the need to clean Atlas track is reduced over tubular. Have you guys done anything to take the shine out of the plastic ties? I suppose if they're buried in ballast it's not so big of a deal but this project is going to be mostly bridge conveyance and ballast won't be an option. I usually countersink No. 4x3/4" screws into wooden ties...but the Atlas ties are supposedly scale and I am not confident I can countersink a screw into them.