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Atlas 22.5 crossover causing sparking. Thoughts?

Wanted to post this to see if anyone else has experienced this and if so path forward to resolve.

I created a double reverse loop and used a Atlas 22.5 crossover.   I just ran a train through it today and noticed sparking as the trucks are making contact with the middle section (X section).   With that said the engine did not cause any sparking and not all cars did either or consistently.   Some is due to mfg width of the flange on the truck as far as I can tell

So my initial thought was to grind back the ends of the middle X which is powered to provide power across the crossover but grind them back just enough to eliminate the sparking and or potential transformer trip.   I mention this as I slowly pushed the cars through when the wheel is in contact with the X part sparking occurs.  Does not occur eslewhere.

I have attached a video and couple pics.

In the video the caboose (Lionel) and couple of the cars also Lionel do not ever or not consistently spark.   The remainder of the consist is MTH, Atlas and couple cars I picked up at a swap meet but not sure mfg (RMT?).  

Again the pic of the middle of the Crossover I thought to grind back the ends slightly to prevent the wheel sparking/contact and this should not impair the running of either the powered engine/cars or causing derailing.

Pic and videos included

1.) Pic of Center of metal X in crossover

2.) Pic of wheel flange comparison of Lionel Caboose and Sparking car.   Not sure if pic shows difference in width but there is.

3.) Video of manually pushing cars through the crossover.  

Thank you in advance for looking and appreciate anyone whom has experienced this and feedback.


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  • 2D513CE7-DFDA-4F25-A1E0-6B15EB6729A7
  • EAB4685B-5B26-4CF1-AAF9-2E05828B93E0
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