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Reply to "Atlas' Acquisition of MTH Tooling"

@trainbob posted:

Thank you Atlas for stepping up in these trying times

Atlas got into the game.  Stepping up to the plate is yet to come.  I see this transition as a work in progress.  It can be long and somewhat painful.  As a user of mostly Lionel and MTH, I have shied away from Atlas.  Logistics and meeting delivery times seems to be a struggle.  I think of the Burlington F units I purchased last year.  These were pre-ordered a very long time.  Cencellations made some available.  That's where I cam in and swooped.

I think Atlas is up to it.  Wether or not they recognize the costs for this type of growth is up to them.  If they want to stretch out margin at the expense of "blocking and tackling", they will have a hard time.  Let's hope they put in the physical and human capital to take on this challenge.  You can't be the old stodgy company short on delivery and sitting on track and switch sales for this to succeed.  I for one, look forward to their first catalog offerings.  I will give them a try and see how they do.
