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Reply to "Automobiles/ Trucks 1/43-1/50 scale let’s see them"

Don Sierakowski 111617 posted:


I love the Chevy, but I love the street and sidewalk detail even more.  Any description to share regarding how you did those?

Thanks in advance, 



The streets were covered with a thin (1/32-inch ?) laser-cut fiber board material to simulate cobblestones. I purchased it from Monster Model Works (try Google) which since has closed and I don't know where it can be gotten now.

The sidewalks and driveway are correctly sized and nicely detailed resin pieces sold by Crow River Products at

Let me know (by e-mail) whether you will be attending the upcoming meeting of the New England Railroad Prototype Modelers in Farmington, CT on the weekend of May 31... see


Last edited by MELGAR