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Reply to "B&M Conn. Sub"


Your layout/scenery is terrific! I think your grass mixed with the gray looks very lifelike, and the buildings are remarkable! There was a powdered milk plant in North Andover, MA, that looked a lot like the concrete mill you have, so I was quite drawn to that photo, not knowing where the Conn Sub is

If you'd like a little B&M lore, my Dad was a daily commuter north out of Boston on the Newburyport line, which I also rode occasionally. When the train got to the North Beverly, MA, depot, the old-timer conductors would announce "Top of the Hill". I never gave it a lot of thought since it was not my stop. My father had a close friend who was a bridge engineer for B&M. He explained to us that North Beverly Depot, at ~ 70 feet above sea level, was the highest point on the B&M the entire ~110 miles from Portland, ~ elev. 25' to Boston, ~ elev. 30'. Thus North Beverly became known as "Top of the Hill!"

He further went on to say that when roller-bearing freight cars replaced babbitt "hot boxes", old-time railroaders bet that a freight car with Timken bearings, given a good shove south from North Beverly would roll the entire 25 or 30 miles to Boston. It was never attempted that he knew of.

As for the photo attached, it was in my Dad's collection but we had a multi-generational family home 1/4 mile from that depot.


Images (1)
  • Top of the Hill