Here are a few photos of the water scene on my 10'-by-5' layout. My layout scenery construction is similar to yours using stacked layers of extruded pink foam on top of plywood. I assume you will be making the "water" in a lower part of the layout surface - as I did. First, cover the low part of the surface (on my layout it's the plywood) with a thin layer of plaster - I used "Mold-A-Scene." Paint it various shades of brown (with acrylic paints) to seal the surface and look like a muddy riverbed. Cover the painted riverbed with yellow carpenter's glue and throw down real dirt and different colors of brown ballast to give it a realistic coarse texture. When that's dry, pour the mixed two-part epoxy onto the prepared riverbed and let it dry. And be sure to experiment first with mixing and pouring the epoxy so you know how to use it. I did that by preparing the surface of a paper plate and doing the steps described above. I hope this helps.