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Reply to "B&M Conn. Sub"

I decided to build this part a little different without risers that supported the roadbed on plywood.  Instead, I used more girders closer together to support 1inch foam.  We will see how that goes?  I going to fasten the track hopefully with longer screws into the girders and glue.  Just an idea.  The track work at the far end is pretty much set.  The near end is not.  I am not visually satisfied with the long spurs.  That is subject to change or debate.  I’m really, really looking to do the best realism I can make.

Epoxy is from a furniture company out of Calgary.  I did tell them what my purpose was and if it reacted with pink foam insulation.   Their response was… “Can you let us know…?”  So we will see.  I’m far from ready to do the pour.  I want the landscape to be just right.  I’ve used magic water in the past with great results, since they are no longer around, I need a substitute.

Industry:  I have few pictures of the Charlestown Redi-mix Cement plant in Charlestown NH. and looking for more pics.   Also, Funston lumber in Scotia NY.  is my other customer and of course limited on pics.  

I have a coworker who is getting back into trains (HO).  He is has been  awesome to get this section going and he is learning a lot about bench work.

