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Reply to "BASIC TMCC wiring for a lionel LCRU to work ..?"

@DanssuperO posted:

Im almost done with this project  I need to add the   capacitors on the motor brushes  I read that  the specs should be Non-polarized 1uf, 50v.  would any of the capacitors I have work? same voltage  just different uf readings.


Also  can the capacitors be installe in any direction? one side has a stripe? is that  the positive side?

You can't use the ones with the stripe, there is no "positive" for an AC motor.  You MUST use non-polarized caps, those will have no stripe.  Also, you don't want to put too much capacitance from the brushes to ground, get the right caps.

@DanssuperO posted:
lastly fix the  LCRU-2 I robed the part form would this work as a replacement? thank-YOU


Not even close, the part you removed was a triac, and this is a MOSFET!
