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Reply to "Best York Deal, Find or Experience"

This story was told to me years ago by a major standard gauge collector.  She was at a bandit meet in the 1980s; a seller had a desirable toy truck on his table and several people were in line to look at it, and she was third or fourth in line.  First person in line says he'll take it and asks the seller to hold it for a few minutes while he goes to get some cash, and the seller agreed.  Richard Kughn was also interested in the truck - he offered the next person in line a couple of hundred bucks for that person's spot in line, in the hope that the buyer would not return in the allotted time.  Kughn bought the spot in line, but the buyer returned in time and Kughn didn't get the truck.

Not sure that I like the idea of buying a person's spot in line, but I like the way the story ended.
