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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

leapinlarry posted:

Well train friends, it’s been awhile since I’ve had a minute to say thanks for posting the neat train and related pictures. There’s some nice cars, trains and related here on this thread. I attended York last month and had a great time. Everyone was carrying packages to their cars/SUV’s, and going back for more. There were lots of train and related pieces for sale. Being that I have many items on order, (BTO) I has to be careful. Wow, it’s an addiction.... I did find the one train car I was looking for, the Lionel L&N Box car.... This is all I purchased.... I wish everyone a happy holiday season. Run these trains. FAC6ED68-5C64-4B94-853D-01700FCB1BDF9DD8B17F-DB85-43E4-99E7-08571F81DC6521A81B9A-90DB-4E0B-9B91-C4194E4EE20503B3468E-6F9C-48EA-8335-9E42770663F0

Hey nice collection you have here.You should get you self a big emma berkshire steamer.I have 1 railking L&N berkshire 1967.Which happens to be the year I was born.
