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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

Following up on my previous post

@Trussman posted:

Last week I purchased two pw Sunoco tankers, a 6415 and a 2465 w/boxes. For several yrs I've been looking for 2465 Sunoco two dome tanker w/good complete legible water slide decals. The lower part reads :  

"Tested 5-21-23 pressure 60 lbs" 

"at Milton Pa by A C & F co. " 

Most of the time the "at Milton Pa. by A C & F co" is at the lower horizonal seam and is scrapped off from wear. AC&F Milton Pa. is about 30 miles from where I live.

1) Sunoco 2465 tanker [3) crp



2) Sunoco 6415 tanker [2)


1) Sunoco 2465 tanker [2) crp








I really enjoy the Postwar tank cars( and the modern tank cars, and the box cars, etc.. ha). Have seen the water slide 6415s but at best the ones I’ve seen have been in “good” condition(not counting train meets where I wasn’t particularly looking for any). Anyway, the 1952(?) version came with my grandfather’s 1 and 1479WS set and I went through a phase of collecting the any brand(shell, Sunoco, Gulf) of the Prewar 1680s and Postwar single dome 6035s, double dome 6465s, triple dome 6425s. They weren’t high on my list but I’d pick them up when I felt it was right. Anyway, the variations in this range can drive one mad- but good on you for being able to find the ones you wanted. I really like your 6415 triple dome in particular 
