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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

Great purchases fellows, there’s lots of new Lionel diesels pictured above, Southern, Amtrak, Union Pacific, And these are the long ones, so beautiful. My FM finally arrived, no damage just a coupler issue, my good dealer will repair it. I love the 5 horns and the 5 bells, and it runs slow and smooth. It also smokes great. Merry Christmas Everyone 04E028C4-EDAF-40DE-B5A9-73A4319A592BAE1E8A74-8757-41CC-8135-44496BF53B66


Images (2)
  • 04E028C4-EDAF-40DE-B5A9-73A4319A592B
  • AE1E8A74-8757-41CC-8135-44496BF53B66