@joe krasko that's some beautiful tin ya got! The 254E was the first prewar locomotive that I ever purchased(although mine is the more common olive green)- you got yours with the box, no less- that's awesome! Does it run well and does the e-unit work? Looks to be in great shape! Congrats on a great pick-up!!
@Dave Ripp. That park scene you have is exquisite! Nice Woodland Scenics chainlink fence- love that by itself but the b-ball court, the playground and rides, the chimnea(where'd you get that?!?)- all flows really well. I mean, I love your neighborhood in general !! That entire neighborhood is extremely well put together! The houses and spacing, sidewalks with steps, fence between the residential area and the tracks- that is so cool. That's a great ruler you got yourself, as well. I have an o scale ruler but it also has markings for N, HO and S. The S-scale part is handy when trying to decide if a certain item is "more S" or "more O" but I'd like to have a dedicated ruler like the one you have.