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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

Paul  ......because of your  " Mea Maxima Culpa "   your Penance shall be boxing up the D&H PAs and sending them to my address FREE of ALL COST .

Really great looking units Paul. 👍

Wow, Father Dallas... with that harsh of a Penance, I’d think you’d at least pick up the shipping. I guess I can forget any Absolution

@RSJB18 posted:

Mr. Pot......may I introduce you to Mr. Kettle.........

Very nice Paul. Let's see the whole set in action.

Dear Mr. Kettle... when your D&H’s get on the rails, THEN you can call me Pot   Today was taken up with buying a Christmas Tree, so hopefully I’ll get back to the basement tomorrow and get both D&H trains up and running.
