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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

Some recent deliveries- have been trying to gather some new freight. Took advantage of the Trainz triple point promotion the week of 12/6 to 12/12 so I got quite a few items. Main focus was on ATSF and UP, atlas items at good prices, covered hoppers, and box cars. I'll start with some of the items that don't necessarily fit the above...

My "military train" . Was very happy to find and score the Atlas Troop car- converted into  DOD Guard car G56 which is actually on display at the Arkansas RR museum! The Atlas O Coil car and Weaver United  States Army Boxcar I got from @Beth Marshall from PDT- thanks Beth!

%22army train%22 Guard Car Coil Car US Army box car

Love my patched/stamped cars! Coil car is former NS, now marked for GE railcar services

Atlas O GE Rail Services patched coil car

Lionel Conrail 60' single door boxcar(Trainz) and MEC Pan Am 50'6" atlas trainman(ebay). Love Conrail for its versatility in freight consists

Conrail 60' PanAm MEC 50'

Better shot of the Pan Am boxcar! Always wanted one, finally found one for a reasonable price. I do like the modern safety stripes on the side

PanAm 50'6%22 LNL IMC Canada CF Hopper

Last for this post- two gondolas from Trainz: Lionel CSX 65' mill gondola(again love the safety stripes) and MTH BC Rail with load(load removed-carrying screwdriver ha). The Mill gon dwarfs my 52' gondolas so I've been keeping it separated. Both really nice gons!

Lionel CSX 66' Mill Gon MTH BC RY 52' Gon

Will try to get more up later!


Images (5)
  • Conrail 60' PanAm MEC 50'
  • PanAm 50'6%22 LNL IMC Canada CF Hopper
  • %22army train%22 Guard Car Coil Car US Army box car
  • Atlas O GE Rail Services patched coil car
  • Lionel CSX 66' Mill Gon MTH BC RY 52' Gon