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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

My first was a 68 Dart GT with 273 V8 and a posi rear.  I never legally registered it but I did take it out just a few times before I got my license.  Then I had a 74 Valiant with the 225 slant 6, I think it was.  I totaled it one day driving home from HS.  I totaled a lot of cars back then (early 1980s).  Actually the first car I totaled was a 1973 Chevy Vega, being chased by the police (not very fast) in a snowstorm when I was in 8th grade, 1978 or 79 I guess it would have been.  Supposedly I was home babysitting my younger siblings.  Dad was a little mad that night.

Speaking of "Buy anything cool lately?", I expect to take delivery tomorrow of a new set of Lionel Legacy PA diesels.  The New Haven line in classic black and red!  This is a replacement for the pair of the same supposedly "delivered" to me 2 weeks ago by FedEx.  Their "proof of delivery" is the driver's note "left at garage."  I don't have a garage and, at the moment, neither do I yet have that pair of New Haven PA diesels.  In an email today, Lionel assured me this set arriving tomorrow is the very last set they have in stock.  I hope they got the full $999.99 from FedEx on the "lost" set that is probably under the driver's Christmas tree right now....
