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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

These just missed Christmas! These are the new Erie Lackawanna 21” passenger cars from Lionel. I picked up the 4 and 2 packs. The Tavern car is a real treat with the “Phoebe Snow” placards painted on. I also appreciate that lionel used the mostly correct tooling for this car, rather then the rounded observation car. This set is a beaut. I don’t have E8s or anywhere to run them yet haha85D3E2FB-927C-4AD4-A1D4-910F90FE0F50A50B66BA-2265-46BD-9375-E04BD2B6A89003EA65F0-2AA6-4D41-87A5-28EC42D3CA47FD041815-DFB3-4D1D-B2BC-D888DAB1BFB0


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  • A50B66BA-2265-46BD-9375-E04BD2B6A890
  • 03EA65F0-2AA6-4D41-87A5-28EC42D3CA47
  • FD041815-DFB3-4D1D-B2BC-D888DAB1BFB0