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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

Great buys everyone!

I made my first visit to the Renningers Flash Train Meet in Kutztown, PA this past Saturday.  Awesome show with a much bigger selection than I was expecting. There’s also several other vendors there for the Farmers Market so lots of foods, crafts, antiques, etc. for everyone. Anyway, I picked up this K-Line PRR boxcar in near excellent condition. I know, nothing special but it’s my first PRR boxcar. I’m definitely keeping these Renningers Flash Train Meets marked on the calendar. They hold a few each year.8959AF4B-5DE8-4A3C-A335-19CC16E5F11D

Next up I grabbed a RH 022 switch with controller from a LHS that’s specializes in HO but have a decent O selection. I also did a combined deal on eBay which really dropped the price on 2 more sets of 022 switches, one set with controllers and one set without. Grabbed a small bag of reproduction coal as part of the bundle deal too.8044AFB9-C813-4B0E-BB02-1715C4E3BF65E65DBA17-2AC1-4ABF-8765-F82C66BCC6A9

Happy Railroading Everyone!


Images (3)
  • 8959AF4B-5DE8-4A3C-A335-19CC16E5F11D
  • 8044AFB9-C813-4B0E-BB02-1715C4E3BF65
  • E65DBA17-2AC1-4ABF-8765-F82C66BCC6A9