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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

Since Lionel has never bothered to furnish its CA-4 cabooses with marker lights, I installed my own, even if not lit and just ornamental. So I used one of those plastic packing spacers from the inside of a Lionel passenger car box, cut out a couple of small rectangles with the Dremel, then sanded, painted, and installed a couple of small rhinestone jewels. The jewels were purchased off eBay, 5,400 in various sizes and colors, for under $10.00, shipped. Then simply glued them on to both ends of the cupola, where the UP placed them on their CA-4s.

Kind of crude and I could have done a more precise job with the cutting and sanding. I used Badger Model Flex UP Armor Yellow for the finish. The plastic was a little too thick, not a precision job, and a little over sized. But oh well.



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