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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

First Menards building! Seen it in the O gauge Rail-Roading magazine. And had to have it. I think it looks great! You get a lot of bang for the buck. Great details, with the boarded and busted windows! The overall neglected look is fantastic! Almost abandoned but yet there is some activity going on. I can vividly remember seeing scenes like this as a little kid rail fanning with the old man. It goes perfect with a 80’s, 90’s, 00’s layout/scene. CC92CC96-1066-4283-ADDF-B497248E44FC1A5E0AD1-7033-4244-99B2-4DDD62216022


Images (2)
  • CC92CC96-1066-4283-ADDF-B497248E44FC
  • 1A5E0AD1-7033-4244-99B2-4DDD62216022