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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

While I was working on installing my new Emilio's Ristorante Italiano building posted earlier in this thread , the following showed up at my door! Emilio's is in the background with the outdoor tables and the green window awnings.

To make a long story short, I have been looking for the Lionel Legacy Southern Pacific F7 Black Widow AA (6-38757) set from the 2013 catalog for a couple of years now with now luck! I found this Lionel LionChief Plus 2.0 SP Black Widow F3 AA (2034130) from the 2020 catalog at Trainworld, and on sale! I decided I would try it out knowing that LionChief is pretty low end compared to Legacy and also semi scale. But Beggers can't be choosers as the saying goes, so I bit the bullet and went for it. At least now I have SP Black Widows on my layout.

Here's the Black Widow parked next to my Western Pacific Legacy F7 ABA set, and even with the Black Widow further back than the Legacy F7, you can see the difference. But, once the F3 Black Widows are running they look pretty good. Here's a video below pulling my K-Line not so prototypical SP Daylight passenger coaches. The consist still looks pretty with Black Widows pulling the Daylight paint scheme.

The quilling horn is a little sick sounding, but it only seems to be a problem when I'm running it with a CAB2 in TMCC mode. It much prefers to be run with the Lionel LionChief App connected with Bluetooth.

Happy Railroading and Happy Friday!!!

I like those engines, Scott. They make a beautiful train.
