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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

Guys you really hauled it in at York.  Wish I could have been there but its over 1000 miles away so that means airplanes, hotel rooms and rental cars which does not leave much money for trains !    @Lionelski - I checked my reference material and it does not seem that any 4th car was made in the green/yellow scheme, at least not by the original Lionel folks in 1948-49.  I suppose there could be a reproduction or a re-issue by one of the later Lionel licensee's but I am not aware of it. OBTW you and @WildTrainLines_ - have "record" hauls based on publication in the forum.  Beautiful trains all, best of luck with them.

@Donnie Kennedy - I also used Menards tubular track on my whole layout.  It was that or using old stuff or Lionel fastrack and I agree I found it a great product.  I only have 0-31 and 0-27 but its held up well over the 2 years since I installed it.

Good luck with your new trains everyone

