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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

Probably the coolest thing I will buy this year .... thinking I have used up my fair share of the Train Gods Benevolence ...

Found a lurking " Unknown maker " little clockwork saddletank 0-6-0 on ebay ( and yes its 00 scale dont hate me for posting it here , all my friends are O gauge'rs)

When I first saw the pics I had that little tingle in the back of my neck happening , for a LOT of reasons ... if it IS what I "think" it could be .. its a rare beast , and its a VERY long way from home ( it was for sale in Pennsylvania !)

I have never even seen a photo of one .. and believe me I have looked all over the webs for a good few years now , as the maker is a pet "love" of mine ... and indeed it turns out to be a John Van Riemsdijk controlled clockwork 0-6-0 Peckett saddle tank locomotive .. made in the 50's by the man himself in his workshops in gloomy old England and in numbers of only the few hundreds at best .. its predecessor the flat sided tank model ( which I had seen a photo of ) only existed in a run of 500 that were sold thru a retailer friend of his ... I have been supremely lucky to find and acquire 3 different O gauge JvR's and I have posted them here and there .. but this , this is my white whale !

I had to bid for it unconfirmed and as such didn't go wild for it , and despite a last minute flurry of bids , it ended up being a super bargain if it WAS what I thought it to be , or a silly waste of good money if it wasnt LOL!

Luckily today it was confirmed to me that it is indeed a JvR and I now have seen the article of it from Michael D Fosters #4 volume of British Toy Trains , Thanks to Fred van der Lubbe (sncf231e) from the Netherlands for running to his library to help me out via our email exchanges !

Its quite possible people here will be sick of me posting it .. so be gentle with me lol
