"The Warehouse Haul", Part 2
The next lot is a pair of MTH 20-95366 Burlington Northern bulkhead flat cars with Scaletrax straight sections, released in June 2019. Here's the first car of the pair, BN 621077 (descriptive text references the photo above):
In this photo I've installed the hold-down chains. Note that you cannot return the car to its box with the track panels strapped to the car. I tried -- it won't fit. Not only is the styrofoam and the overlying lid designed to hold the track sections strapped together above the deck of the flatcar (so you will be re-using the twist-tie that held the ScaleTrax together), but the overlying clear plastic lid requires that the track sections be centered and the ties lined up, as there are ridges that fit between them, so no cheating -- your re-boxing game has to be on-point. Not so much with the second car, and you'll see why as you continue to scroll...
Notice something missing? I suspect this might be a dealer's return to MTH and why it languished in the warehouse.
Note that the tape holding down the plastic tray cover is undisturbed. No telltale wrinkles or creasing in the tape, no gouges or dents in the styrofoam from someone attempting to get a tool or fingernail under the tape to peel it up. Plus there is that haphazardly-shaped block of styrofoam accompanying the car where the track sections should be, that isn't present in the example with the Scaletrax. I suspect this car left the factory like this, was shipped to a dealer, who then returned it after discovering the missing track.
Anyway, here's the empty BN 621094.
At least the tie-down chains are present (left packet) in case I buy some ScaleTrax to stick in there. The odd bit is the sealed packet of...two short twist ties?
And here are the two flats together. I'll probably scout around for some Scaletrax to put in there. Given the $70 MSRP and my winning bid +buyer's premium adding up to 63.25 for the pair, I'd still be ahead if I populated the empty flat with track sections. I figure I already have four 60' flats with ScaleTrax switches, the previously-posted TTX flats with diamond crossings, and a 60' flatcar with 10" ScaleTrax sections much like the above, so there's enough for an entire MOW train of track panels.
12 more cars to go...
(Nav links redacted...Forum rule disallows crosslinking one's posts within a thread)
(All but the last photo will break if this post is quoted in its entirety, at least till I figure out why they keep breaking when this post is quoted or edited)