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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

Yesterday, I made a trip to TrainLand in Lynbrook to pick up two Trainland exculsive engines, the Chris Raines Katy and a Lionel ES44ACFlying Tiger.  The Flyig Tigar comes in two color schemes, one with yellowish coloring and he other with a grey coloring.  I preferred the yellowed version, see pictures below;

Flying Tigar 4Flying Tigar 5Flying Tigar 7

Below is a picture of the Katy;  This will go nicely with the Heritage Katy;

Chris Katy

Trainland plans to issue a new Texas Special exculsive Lionel engine to go along with the above engine.  I saw the art work at Trainland and on their latest EM.  see below;

Texas Special


Images (5)
  • Flying Tigar 4
  • Flying Tigar 5
  • Flying Tigar 7
  • Chris Katy
  • Texas Special
Last edited by FrankRazz