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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

I recently aquired four more postwar F3's.  The 2383 Santa Fe ABA, 2354 NYC ABA and 2245 Texas Special AB was one purchase,  the 2367 Wabash AB was a seperate purchase.

This Texas Special is the 2nd set I have, it had the flying shoe missing, I put a new one on and wired it to the coil coupler.

The Wabash has some battery damage on the frame, dual motors, good runner, it has the correct B-unit for the 2367.   

Overall I did the basic maintence to each one and as always, they run as they should.

1) 2383 [1)

1) 2383 [2)

2) NYC 2354 [1)

2) NYC 2354 [2) 3) Texas Special 2245 [1)

3) Texas Special 2245 [2) 3) Wabash 2367 [1)

3) Wabash 2367 [2)


Images (8)
  • 1) 2383 (1)
  • 1) 2383 (2)
  • 2) NYC 2354 (1)
  • 2) NYC 2354 (2)
  • 3) Texas Special 2245 (1)
  • 3) Texas Special 2245 (2)
  • 3) Wabash 2367 (1)
  • 3) Wabash 2367 (2)