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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

@ScoutingDad posted:

Here is a photo I took of a CSS&SB caboose in their freight yard this spring. Lighting can change color appearance - from my memory I think the model is pretty close to the original.


Of course another CSS 2R RPO showed up in the same box.  I almost let this one go but the other bidder quit before I did. This one is a Weaver Gold Edition RPO #504.  I'll have to keep this one 2R as its too nice to change trucks. The wheels sets might be a little different from other 2R wheels I've had as these take the Ross turnouts OK. Of course maybe I did a better track laying job this time around. The weathering job is quite good and subtle to my eye.  Another happy purchase.


You are correct about light (and age) of Paint, however I was referring to the aluminum blueish tint of the roof.  Still like the model colors better..  one of the reason i model, railroads especially is to put my ideals on the model instead of the  (moles and warts.)   Wd all live in real life, fantasy helps keep us sane
