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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

@pennsyfan posted:

It Christmas in July or I really went overboard last week. After reading about the WIF SS boxcars that I posted. I found out that they also ran Reefers. Well lo and behold I found WIF SS reefers on PDT. So I ordered 2, and a Schafer car popped into my cart. While I was reading I noticed that they also ran PFG reefers. So of course one popped up on the bay and it was a PRR car to boot. How could I say no. Well that wasn’t to bad; but then that devil in TN (AKA Leaping Larry)  reached  out that he had a NOS NYC S2 and a NOS JC FM. After we settled that; he hung the carrot out with a NOS John Bull set. Having wanted that set since it  first came out; once again I couldn’t say no. FedEx. Is still on the way today with the PDT order. I can’t go up to the train room because I have landscapers installing sprinklers in the plant beds. So pictures later.

Personally, I’d go with Christmas Sounds like a great haul, Bob… enjoy!!!
