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Reply to "Buy anything cool lately?"

Originally Posted by Mark Boyce:


Congratulations on your new purchases!  The New Haven electric Looks like it is,painted in Pittsburgh professional sports teams colors.  Though I don't follow the team, I see lots of Steelers cars and engines around here.  I follow baseball and hockey too a bit instead!  


While we don't see NH engines in those colors, your liking it is all that matters!


Wow on the Veranda Turbine!   I see it runs on 072 curves.   I don't have the room for that myself.  I am sure it will look super once you get it on the track!


Unless you have a lot of cash, don't get too carried away.  Although I did smaller scale modeling for over 40 years before switching to O gauge 3 years ago, I made a few lesser purchases that I realized later I shouldn't have.  It was no loss, I learned from them, had some fun with them, and so far have been able to seek some of them for not much less than I paid.  I am still learning nuances specific to O gauge that are different from HO and N scales.


have fun with trains!!

Thanks very much Mark!  


From what I understand on the New Haven EP-5 there were 2 color schemes (do people prefer to call them livery?) provided to NH back in the mid 50's by General Electric.  The one I bought (Canary Yellow) is the one that lost the battle against the normal red-orange scheme we are used to seeing.  I simply bought this one over the standard to have something different and maybe it would be a conversation starter.  Guess that worked. : )  I love the standard one as well and will have one someday.


My goal is to have each UP Turbine.  I don't think I'm going to setup a normal layout with 0-72, but I might do a shelf train with bigger curves just for the bigger engines.  That's the current idea anyway.  Maybe setup on carpet temporarily.


I definitely don't have money to blow.  The price tag on the Veranda seems high because it's from a Canadian dealer.  I paid a good bit less than the MSRP of $799.


Thanks again for the input and reply.
