I just received this beautiful station from Crescent Locomotive Works. It fits an O-72 curve. My original plan was to place it in the rear of the layout, but due to changes I have made to the layout plan since I ordered the station, it would no longer fit in it's intended spot. I've moved it up to the front of the layout (much better visibility), but I can't use it in the intended manner (the three pieces should be end to end), but it still works for me.
And I went to Grzyboski's to pick up my 2015 National Train Day boxcar and, in a moment of weakness (and since Joe still had some in stock), I could no longer resist...
I passed on the 21 in. passenger cars - they are really too long for my space (and, frankly, I already have enough passenger cars!!!). And, since I am not a rivet counter, I have no problem using this beauty to pull my 20th Century Limited heavyweights.